What we do
- We monitor the latest trends in remote sensing & GIS technologies and come up with new methods for various applications such as machine learning for large-scale spatial research, mapping rapid response to disasters etc.
- We develop and introduce new mapping methodologies such as, for example, the Intact Forest Landscapes concept
- We use the latest web dev trends to create powerful visualizations, story maps, crowdsourced maps and interactive applications
- We provide mapping support for all Greenpeace projects that require it, including creating maps and applications, conducting spatial analysis, processing satellite imagery and other
- We provide consultancy and peer review for Greenpeace GIS research
- We manage spatial data and software subscriptions for users across the organization
- We develop common mapping standards to ensure high quality GIS products across Greenpeace
- We participate in GIS-related scientific and practical conferences and publish our work in scientific papers
- We work closely together with various organizations such as universities and schools, protected area administrations, remote sensing data providers and software distributors, scientific organizations and communities as well as other NGOs
- We support the mapping community of practice within Greenpeace and stimulate exchanging of best practices by providing and hosting trainings and webinars on GIS and RS technologies